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A. Jemima Adsons

A. Jemima Adsons
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : willa holland
▲ CRÉDIT : angel dust
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 16:06


she's just like the weather can't hold her together born from dark water daughter of the rain and snow it's burning through the bloodline it's cutting down the family tree

NOM Adsons, le nom de mon papa évidemment, un nom que je porte avec fierté et qui me rappelle tous les jours que j'avais un père génial, qu'à une époque ma mère était fabuleuses et que mes soeurs sont la meilleure chose de ma vie.
PRÉNOMS Ava Jemima, depuis que je sui sentré à la faculté tout le monde m'appelle Jemima ou Jem, c'est venu de l'assistant de professeur de science politique, une sorte de blague qui a dépassé les limites de l'université. Mes soeurs m'appellent toujours Ava de temps à autre..
ÂGE 22 ansi.
DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE 13 décembre 1990, Bluebell Alabama.
NATIONALITÉ Americaine et Française.
ACTIVITÉ PROFESSIONNELLE étudiante en sciences politiques et cogérante du magasin familial.
SITUATION AMOUREUSE Se prétend célibatairei.
GROUPE wild heart.
Elle a deux soeurs qu'elle considère comme étant les personnes les importantes de sa vie. Très ambitieuse, la jeune femme a entrepris des études de sciences politiques souhaite être maire de Bluebell un jour. C'est une grande adapte du yoga, c'est tous les matins et tous les soirs. information sur ton personnage Elle parait être un peu l'enfant sage de la famille mais a un fort tempérament tout comme ses soeurs. La mort de son père quatre ans plus tôt l'a complètement dévastée, son comportement a changé après cet évènement. Elle était très proche de sa mère, la dépression de cette dernière l'a profondément touchée. Elle parle anglais et français. Elle n'aime pas vraiment les fêtes de fins d'années, en tout cas elle ne comprends pas toute l'effervescence atour de ces fêtes. Elle a arrêté de fumer il y a un an, depuis elle collectionne les briquets. Elle est secrètement en couple. Elle mange le beurre de cacahuète comme si c'était de la glace. C'est un rat de bibliothèque, elle a toujours un livre sur elle. Elle es très maladroite, dans tous les sens du termes. Elle en veut terriblement à sa mère de s'être laissé aller

and you, behind the screen.
PSEUDO/PRÉNOM : diana. ÂGE : 19 ans. PRÉSENCE : le plus souvent possible en fonction de mes cours. OÙ TU AS CONNU LE FORUM : bazzart. PERSONNAGE INVENTÉ OU SCÉNARIO : le magnifique scénario de mia?. CRÉDIT DE LA FICHE : tumblr. UN DERNIER MOT : J'ai faim, j'ai tout le temps faim.

<span class="taken">willa holland</span> ◇ a. jemima adsons

Dernière édition par A. Jemima Adsons le Mer 30 Jan - 11:32, édité 3 fois
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A. Jemima Adsons

A. Jemima Adsons
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : willa holland
▲ CRÉDIT : angel dust
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 16:06

now you're just somebody that i used to know.

(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Tumblr_mhd2uimPFI1rlan0uo3_250 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Tumblr_mhd2uimPFI1rlan0uo4_250
anything can happen, and anything does. there's just today - and then there's tonight. and tonight is wonderful.
C'était au moins la sixième fois que je relisais ce livre, ça sonne très cliché mais l'attrape-coeur était sans doute mon roman favoris. J'adorais le fait qu'Holden soit à l'opposé des autres héros de roman et le fait que son auteur soit un vieux fou coupé du monde ajoutait encore plus plaisir à ma lecture. C'était sans doute ce qui me différenciait le plus de mes soeurs, j'étais du genre à vouloir rester tranquille assise sur mon canapé plongée dans un bon livre plutôt que d'aller jouer dehors. On pourrait croire que cela nous éloigne mais c'est tout le contraire, j'aime le fait que Mia et Sila soient des aventurières et que moi je sois le cerveau de la famille. «Tu ne veux pas aller jouer dehors ?» Ma mère faisait des pancakes comme tous les samedis matin, c'était notre truc, elle prépare les pancakes et je les mange. « Je pense qu'à quatorze ans j'ai dépassés le stade d'aller dehors et de toute façon je suis en pleine lecture, je ne peux pas laisse Holen, il risquerait de faire une bêtise.» J'ai toujours été très proche de ma mère, je sais que je peux me confier à elle sans crainte. Je sais qu'elle est fière de mon côté studieux, j'ai toujours été première de la classe et compte même être major de promotion au lycée, mon ambition la rend heureuse même si elle ne dit rien. « Chérie tu parles d'un livre que tu as lu une dizaine de fois, je crois que ce Holden peut se débrouiller sans toi pendant quelques heures.» Il était hors de question de lâcher mon bouquin, c'était peine perdue d'essayer de toute façon. Je n'ai jamais été timide et être en communauté ne m'a jamais dérangé, mais ce que peut m'apporter un livre un être humain ne pourra jamais le faire. «Mais si tu veux je peux t'aider à préparer le repas.» « Avec joie ma grande.» Je n'étais pas très douée en cuisine mais couper les légumes en cubes était ma -seule- spécialité. J'aimais passer du temps avec maman, elle était toujours souriante, j'avais l'impression que je pouvais surmonter n'importe quoi du moment qu'elle était à mes côtés. En résumé elle représentait tout ce que j'aimerais être un jour. « Ca sent bon, on mange dans combien de temps ?» Sila fût la première à rentrer à la maison et aussi la plus affamée. Elle n'était avec nous que depuis un an, nos parents l'ont adoptée mais honnêtement je ne pourrais pas l'aimer plus si elle était ma soeur de sang. Je l'aime autant que j'aime Mia, c'est-à-dire de tout mon coeur. «Bas les pattes petite tête. Va mettre la table et peut-être qu'on fera un effort pour que ce soit près dans cinq minutes.» Elle s'exécuta en obligeant notre père à en faire de même au passage. Une fois tous à table c'est Mia qui a décidé d'enfin nous honorer de sa présence. « T'es en retard.» «Désolé» on échangeait un regard complice. Je pense que je n'ai jamais été aussi heureuse que ce soir-là.

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and the only solution was to stand and fight, and my body was bruised and I was set alight, but you came over me like some holy rite
Ca faisait trois mois déjà et pourtant j'avais l'impression que mon coeur était sur le point d'exploser. Tout avait changé et de la pire des façons. Papa était mort, ce qui signifiait que les femmes de la famille étaient complètement dévastée. J'essayais de me montrer forte, au moins pour Sila, mais c'était très difficile, je ne suis pas comme Mia, je n'arrive pas à faire face à la situation. Ma grande soeur a été géniale, elle était très proche de papa et pourtant elle a sût prendre ses responsabilités et se montrer forte pour nous. En tout cas c'était l'image qu'elle donnait. De mon côté je passais le moins de temps possible à la maison les premières semaines, j'allais chez des amis ou tout simplement à la bibliothèque, je ne voulais pas rester à la maison car inconsciemment, dès qu'une porte s'ouvrait je m'attendais à voir mon père la franchir. Mais au-delà de la perte et du chagrin il y avait autre chose. La situation à la maison était devenue insupportable. Pendant que mes soeurs et moi essayions tant bien que mal de nous relever notre mère, elle, se laisse complètement couler. J'essayais de lui parler, de retrouver notre complicité d'avant pour comprendre ce qui lui arrivait et peut-être l'aider, mais elle était sourde. « Maman regarde-moi. Dis-moi ce qu'il faut qu'on fasse et on le fera. On a besoin de toi plus que jamais.» Elle me regarder d'un ai vide mais son visage semblait me dire quelque chose qui ne me plaisait pas. J'avais parfois l'impression que notre peine à nous ne représentait rien à ses yeux et que de toute façon cela n'était pas important par rapport à sa propre douleur. Elle nous en voulait presque de vouloir aller mieux. «Tu ne comprends rien Ava.» C'était pratiquement tout ce qu'elle me disait en ce moment. Elle n'avait presque plus la force de parler. Je lui en voulais de réagir ainsi, j'en voulais à papa d'être mort, j'en voulais même à mes soeurs sans raison. La seule chose que je voulais faire était hurler. Un rien me tapait sur les nerfs mais dans un sens ça m'a réveillée. J'ai cessé d'être trop gentille, trop de gens en profitait. C'était le temps de la rébellion de la colère. J'ai fais beaucoup de bêtises à cette époque mais rien que je ne regrette, j'avais besoin de faire des conneries pour aller mieux, ou en tout cas éviter de devenir complètement folle. Tout avait changé moi y compris. Je commençais peu à peu à m'assumer, à me défendre au lieu de laisser les choses aller, si n'importe qui pouvait partir aussi vite alors autant ne pas avoir de regret et faire ce qu'on veut non ? D'un autre côté, ces changements m'aidaient à mieux supporter la situation, je n'étais plus en positions de victime, j'allais faire partie de ceux qui ne se laissaient pas abattre. C'est pourquoi j'avais décidé ce jour-là de visiter la tombe de mon père, chose que je n'avais pas fait depuis l'enterrement. Me retrouver devant la pierre me faisait me rendre compte qu'il ne reviendrait jamais, que toutes ces fois où je me suis retournée en pensant l'avoir vu n'étaient que le fruit de mon imagination. La décision n'avait pas été prise à la légère, on a tout essayé avant de choisir une solution aussi radicale. Je pensais qu'après quelques temps ma mère allait se remettre de la mort de papa, qu'elle se ressentirait au moins pour nous. On le pensait toutes je crois. Jamais on aurait imaginé que notre mère nous abandonne ainsi car c'est bien de cela qu'il s'agit, un abandon pur et simple. Elle nous complètement laissé tomber alors que nous avions besoin d'elle, surtout Sila qui n'a que treize ans. Je lui en voulais d'avoir réagi comme ça, nous avions tout autant mal qu'elle et pourtant nous avons décidé de vivre. C'était lâche de sa part d'avoir tenté de se suicider plusieurs fois, comme si mes soeurs et moi n'avions pas d'importance à ses yeux. C'est sans doute le cas d'ailleurs. Elle avait peut-être tout simplement cessé de nous aimer et du coup resté en vie n'avait plus d'importance, en tout cas c'est comme ça que je l'interprète. J'avais essayé plusieurs fois de lui faire ouvrir les yeux mais rien à faire. Je lui en voulais aussi parce qu'on était si proche avant, si quelque chose n'allait pas elle me le disait, elle avait confiance en moi et nous étions très complice mais tout ça c'est envolé. J'en avais terminé de me battre pour elle, si elle nous lâchait alors j'en ferais de même. On en a longtemps parlé avec Mia et Sila et la solution la plus simple était de mettre notre mère en maison de repos. Là au moins elle serait encadrée par une équipe médicale et qui sait, peut-être qu'un jour elle guérirait. Cependant, dans cette éventualité je ne suis pas certaine de pouvoir lui pardonner, elle m'a trahie comme jamais personne ne l'a fait, nous n'avons pas seulement perdu un père on a aussi perdu une mère. Elle avait beau être là c'est comme si nous étions orphelines. Je ne remercierais jamais assez Mia de s'est occupé de nous et surtout d'avoir pris la garde de Sila, je ne m'en serais pas sortie sans mes deux soeurs à mes côtés.

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I may not have the softest touch I may not say the words as
such and though I may not look like much but I'm yours
En plus de nos études respectives mes soeurs et moi nous partageons la gérance de la boutique de vêtement de la famille. Autant dire que voir les trois Adsons travailler au même endroit est assez drôle. C'est pratiquement le seul endroit où j'arrive à me disputer avec elle. « Ava regarde à ta droite ... non l'autre droite ! C'est pas la fille avec qui t'es battue ?» Ma petite soeur a toujours eu l'art de la discrétion, si jamais vous lui demandez de se retourner discrètement elle va le faire avec la grâce d'un éléphant dans un magasin de porcelaine. « Je ne me suis pas battue, elle m'a éjectée en dehors du char. Attend, je vais m'occuper d'elle.» Je frappais dramatique mon poing sur la paume de mon autre main mais je ne comptais pas faire de scandale. Ce n'étais pas l'envie qui me manquait. Grace et moi suivons les mêmes cours à la fac, au début on s'entendait plutôt bien, j'aimais beaucoup son caractère et le fait qu'elle soit grande gueule mais très vite son attitude m'a tapé sur les nerfs. Elle a commencé à s'en prendre verbalement à des gens qu'elle ne connaissait même pas, chose qui m'énerve au plus haut point. Et puis il y a eu ce devoir fatidique que nous devions faire ensemble avec son frère - qui partage l'un de nos cours. C'est là que tout à explosé. Il faut savoir que Grace et moi avant un grand esprit de compétition, on veut toujours être la meilleure et nous avons notre propre vision des choses. Cela a finit par une grosse dispute où elle m'a balancé des horreurs sur ma mère et où j'en ai balancé sur sa soit disant réputation - que je savais fausse. Depuis on met toutes les deux un point d'honneur à être meilleure que l'autre, tout est sujet de compétition entre nous, même les parades de Bluebell. C'est comme cela qu'on s'est retrouvée sur le même char le jour des fondateurs et qu'elle m'a «accidentellement» fait tomber sur char. Résultat une belle entorse à la cheville. « Bonjour, puis-je vous aider ?» Mon sourire était aussi faux que le sien. Nos regards ne se lâchaient plus, je sais que pour elle c'est un moyen pour avoir le dessus sur une autre personne, pour moi c'était la meilleure manière de ne pas regarder son frère. « Pas vraiment, on ne peut pas dire qu'il y a un super choix vêtements ici.» «J'en suis désolé, peut-être que tu trouverais ton bonheur dans un sex-shop.» Je retourne à mon comptoir et tape dans la main de ma soeur. Encore j'ai été gentille, d'habitude c'est bien pire entre nous. Je n'avais pas très envie d'être dans la même pièce qu'elle, ma seule échappatoire était l'arrière boutique. Je me cachais je l'avoue, je n'avais aucune envie d'affronter Grace aujourd'hui. Je replaçais les cartons de vêtements pour me distraire lorsque deux bras m'entourèrent à la taille. « Vous êtes insupportables toutes les deux.» « Va dire ça à ta soeur, c'est elle la psychopathe.» Lors de la soirée où Grace et moi nous sommes disputées pour de bon Asher est venu me parler pour essayer d'arranger les choses. On a discuté pendant des heures. Au début il n'y avait rien entre nous mais au fur et à mesure être en couple nous semblait être la chose la plus naturelle au monde, sauf que Grace ne pouvait pas le savoir et on ne pouvait pas prendre le risque que quelqu'un lui dise. C'est pour cela qu'on se cache depuis deux mois après avoir été amis pendant trois ans. Mes soeurs ne sont pas au courant, même si je pense qu'elles se doutent de quelque chose. La seule chose dont je suis sûr c'est que le jour où ça se saura ce sera pire qu'une bombe nucléaire.

Dernière édition par A. Jemima Adsons le Mer 30 Jan - 11:28, édité 13 fois
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H. Savana Grayson

H. Savana Grayson
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : rachel hurt wood
▲ MESSAGES : 201
▲ CRÉDIT : pas défini pour le moment !
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 16:08

Bienvenue !! =)
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A. Jemima Adsons

A. Jemima Adsons
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : willa holland
▲ CRÉDIT : angel dust
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 16:09

Merci (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1508216586
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home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 16:26

Bienvenue sexy Willa. (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1508216586
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A. Mia Adsons

A. Mia Adsons
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : emma watson, sisi
▲ CRÉDIT : goldcrest (avatar)
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 16:28

MA SOEUR (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1508216586 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1508216586
Encore merci de prendre ce scénario (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2176505670
Bienvenue officiellement parmi nous I love you

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home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 16:31

Willa est parfaite ! (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2176505670
bienvenue parmi nous
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A. Jemima Adsons

A. Jemima Adsons
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : willa holland
▲ CRÉDIT : angel dust
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 16:36

devyn: kaya (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 346459121 je te demanderais un lien.

mia; SOEURETTE (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 650299697 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2131143800
ton scénario est parfait, j'étais obligé de le prendre (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059
merci à toi (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1508216586

meaghan; la belle holland (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 675700275
merci I love you
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B. Wesley Potter

B. Wesley Potter
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Zac Efron.
▲ CRÉDIT : dodixe. (avatar)
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 16:56

Bienvenue parmi nous (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1944190462
Willa est magnifique sur l'avatar et sur les gifs (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 456023687
Réserve moi un lien I love you
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A. Jemima Adsons

A. Jemima Adsons
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : willa holland
▲ CRÉDIT : angel dust
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 16:59

Ca fait tellement longtemps que je n'ai pas vu Zac sur les rp (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 456023687
Merci et avec grand plaisir pour le lien I love you
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W. Jake Grayson

W. Jake Grayson
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Wilson Bethel
▲ MESSAGES : 234
▲ CRÉDIT : MISH.MISH (avatar)
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 17:03

Willa ♥
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A. Jemima Adsons

A. Jemima Adsons
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : willa holland
▲ CRÉDIT : angel dust
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 17:12

Merci à toi (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 675700275
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R. Blake Roberts

R. Blake Roberts
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Harry Styles, aka Ultimate Choucroute ♥
▲ MESSAGES : 769
▲ CRÉDIT : free fallin' ♥ || tumblr
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 18:29

MA KEUPINE (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2774444739 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059
BIENVENUE - officiellement - PARMI NOUS MA BELLE ♥️
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4205929361 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 876370059 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1761923714 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2271525164 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1658042298 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 891098728 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 4177624797 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 475000575
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A. Jemima Adsons

A. Jemima Adsons
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : willa holland
▲ CRÉDIT : angel dust
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 18:31

COUPAIN (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 456023687 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2211252749 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 650299697 Ca c'est ce que j'appelle de l'accueil (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 346459121
Merciiii (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2774444739
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMar 29 Jan - 19:10

Willa (a) (a) (a)
Excellent choix I love you
Bienvenue parmi nous
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A. Jemima Adsons

A. Jemima Adsons
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : willa holland
▲ CRÉDIT : angel dust
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMer 30 Jan - 11:31

Ton pseudo (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 456023687 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 456023687
Merci à toi I love you

Voilà, je pense avoir terminé :)
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMer 30 Jan - 11:36

Je déplace ta fiche en attente.
Il manque plus que l'avis de mia (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2225400551
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A. Jemima Adsons

A. Jemima Adsons
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : willa holland
▲ CRÉDIT : angel dust
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMer 30 Jan - 11:37

Pas de problème et merci I love you
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
A. Mia Adsons

A. Mia Adsons
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : emma watson, sisi
▲ CRÉDIT : goldcrest (avatar)
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMer 30 Jan - 11:41

Gosh, ta fiche est trop superbe (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1508216586 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1508216586
Je suis vraiment fan ! Exactement comme j'imaginais la belle, et puis, tu te l'es trop bien approprié I love you Aussi j'adore la dernière partie avec le petit-copain et la garce de soeur (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 475000575
Vous pouvez bien sur valider (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 379634154
Et encore bienvenue par ici (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2131143800
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
A. Jemima Adsons

A. Jemima Adsons
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : willa holland
▲ CRÉDIT : angel dust
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMer 30 Jan - 11:44

haan merci beaucoup Mia, ton avis compte plus que tout pour ma présentation (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 1508216586
Je suis vraiment heureuse que tu aime (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2131143800 (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 3995300177
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMer 30 Jan - 11:44

Je valide donc. Bon jeu à vous ! (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. 2964842822
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
A. Jemima Adsons

A. Jemima Adsons
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

▲ CÉLÉBRITÉ : willa holland
▲ CRÉDIT : angel dust
(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. EmptyMer 30 Jan - 11:49

Merci beaucoup I love you
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Contenu sponsorisé
home sweet home. welcome to bluebell!

(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.   (+) keep following the heartlines on your hand. Empty

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(+) keep following the heartlines on your hand.

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